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Like Many Before Them, a Band of Friends Find Respite on Fire Island


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Standing, from left: DONCHRISTIAN JONES, artist and musician, 31; DAVID VELASCO, editor in chief of Artforum, 42; HANNAH BLACK, artist and writer, 39; NICOLE EISENMAN, artist, 56; SARAH NICOLE PRICKETT, writer, 34; LAURYN SIEGEL, artist and designer, 43; FARIS AL-SHATHIR, director of Boffo, 39. Seated, from left: T.M. DAVY, artist, 40; LIAM DAVY, gardener, 40. Photographed in the Meat Rack in Fire Island Pines, N.Y., on Sept. 19, 2020.

Weekend Friends

For this creative group, the Pines remains a summer haven for queerness and connection.

Standing, from left: DONCHRISTIAN JONES, artist and musician, 31; DAVID VELASCO, editor in chief of Artforum, 42; HANNAH BLACK, artist and writer, 39; NICOLE EISENMAN, artist, 56; SARAH NICOLE PRICKETT, writer, 34; LAURYN SIEGEL, artist and designer, 43; FARIS AL-SHATHIR, director of Boffo, 39. Seated, from left: T.M. DAVY, artist, 40; LIAM DAVY, gardener, 40. Photographed in the Meat Rack in Fire Island Pines, N.Y., on Sept. 19, 2020.

www.nytimes.com 2021-04-12 09:14:20

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